Klisman Feliciano came to AHLE in June 2024 from a situation of extreme poverty. His parents abandoned him and his 2 siblings and they were being raised by their grandmother. His grandmother does domestic work but earns very little and cannot support Klisman for schooling. She asked for help as she would like to see him have a better future. Klisman is very happy to be in the foundation. His birthday is November 24, 2016
Melvin Ariel
came to AHLE in June 2024 through social services from a situation of extreme poverty. He states he ran away from home and initially earned money working at fairs but when that ended he found himself living on the street, begging for food and sleeping in the park. As he hasn’t had adequate schooling, he is behind academically but is adapting quickly to the routine. His birthday is
June 28, 2010
Darwin Joel joined his older brother Jefry at AHLE in April 2024. He lived with his paternal grandparents in extreme poverty after his mother abandoned him and his father left for Mexico. The grandparents due to their age and extreme poverty had difficulty providing and caring for Darwin nor had the financial means to send him to school.
His birthday is
August 27, 2016
Jesus Manuel came to AHLE April 2024 from a situation of extreme poverty. His parents are separated and when his father found out the physical abuse and hunger the boy was enduring by his mother, he took him to live with him. Unfortunately, his father does not have the resources to support his children and has visual problems which makes it difficult for him to care for them. Jesus education has been sporadic, His birthday is October 3, 2015.
Carlos Enrique came to AHLE in April 2024. Financially his parents could no longer send Carlos to school. The nearest school after 9th grade is 1 hour away and no public transportation is available.His mother provides a meal for her family, through the preparation of food for the local kindergarten his sister attends. His father works on a farm but barely earns $166 a month. Carlos holds a 93% grade point average and is very motivated toward working for a better life.
His birthday is
April 9, 2011.
Jeffry Rápalo joined his brother Misael at AHLE in April 2024. He arrived from a situation of extreme poverty. His father, a farmer is disabled and has difficulty working efficiently and being able to provide food and care for his 5 children. He asked for help from the foundation for Jeffry, so that he could go to school and have a better opportunity for the future. His birthday is August 20, 2009
Elder Josue came to the foundation from a situation of extreme poverty. He was living with his grandparents after being abandoned by his parents but the grandparents could not control him from wandering the streets and sleeping in different places.This put him at high risk for recruitment into gangs. Elder says he is happy to be at AHLE, and have the opportunity to study which he says his parents were not able to give him. His birthday is February 19, 2012
Jesus Alexander is grateful to have been brought to AHLE in March 2024 from a situation of extreme poverty. He lived in a rural area, with his mother and stepfather who barely earned enough to keep them fed. The school was difficult to attend as it was 1 1/2 hour away. Jesus is a very happy child with a great desire to improve his life. His birthday is
Feb. 15, 2010
Francisco Isaac came to AHLE March 2024 from a situation of extreme poverty. His father left for Mexico and does not support the family of 5 children and his mother does not earn enough financially, cleaning houses, washing clothes and working seasonly at a coffee plant. Francisco is a good student walking over one hour and 15 minutes to reach his school. He is adjusting quickly to life at the foundation. His birthday is
October 29, 2010
Jose Saybe
came to AHLE in February 2024 from a situation of extreme poverty. His father has been unable to work due to health reasons. His mother earns approximately $91/month doing ironing and laundry which is just enough to provide 2 daily meals for the family. She is not able to financially provide the required uniform and shoes for Saybe to attend school. Saybe is grateful to be able to continue with his academic studies which in spite of the obstacles he maintained an 87% average.
His birthday is
November 26, 2012
Yaser Arafat came to ALHE from one of the most dangerous areas, where children are recruited by gangs. Yaser was already being threatened to be used as a “mule” to transport drugs. Abandoned by his father, his mother does some domestic work but she does not earn enough to provide schooling for Yaser or have the ability to care for him.
His birthday is June 17, 2015
Jose Emanuel came from a situation of extreme poverty exacerbated by Hurricanes Eta and Iota that devastated their community and destroyed their schools. He lived with one sister, a year younger and both his parents. His father occasionally is able to find work as a field hand. They sought help for their son so he could have the opportunity for a better life in the future through education. His birthday is May 5, 2008
Edgard Jaffeth came to AHLE January 23, 2024. Abandoned by his parents at 3 years of age, he temporarily lived with his grandmother where he suffered psychological abuse. His grandmother also disappeared in the beginning of this year. His neighbor kindly helped him with food and accomodation before coming to AHLE. His birthday is
November 19, 2012
Saul Jonan arrived at AHLE in January 2023. Unfortunately he lost his father when he was 4 years old. His single mother was unable to care for him and left him with his grandmother. The family is uneducated and live in extreme poverty. Saul is doing extremely well in school and loves math. He is competitive and respectful. He is happy to be at AHLE. His birthday is
November 10, 2013
Jose Angel came to AHLE with his older brother Josue Eliu in February 2023 from a situation of extreme poverty. He lived with his mother and 2 brothers in one room she was renting. His mother barely earned enough to buy food and could not afford to send them to school. She had to leave them alone in order to work. His birthday is November 9, 2014
Dixon Josue came to AHLE with his brother Gilmer Amabel in February 2023. One of the employees of AHLE saw the families economic conditions and that one of the children was being assisted by another program for malnutrition. He informed the parents to inquire for help from AHLE for their boys. The parents are grateful as they did not have the opportunity of an education and would like their children to have a better future. His birthday is May 8, 2009.
Gilmer Amabel came to AHLE with his brother Dixon Josue in February 2023. One of the employees of AHLE saw the families economic conditions and that one of the children was being assisted by another program for malnutrition. He informed the parents to inquire for help from AHLE for their boys. The parents are grateful as they did not have the opportunity of an education and would like their children to have a better future. His birthday is March 16 2011
Josue Eliu came to AHLE with his younger brother Jose Angel in February 2023 from a situation of extreme poverty. He lived with his mother and 2 brothers in one room she was renting. His mother barely earned enough to buy food and could not afford to send them to school. She had to leave them alone in order to work. His birthday is April 2, 2012.
Jose Angel came to AHLE in February 2023 from a situation of extreme poverty. His father who had been sending money home from the USA suffered a serious debilitating accident and no longer could help provide for them. The mother could no longer financially support his schooling or care. His birthday is December 16, 2008.
Larry Andres came to AHLE in February 2023 from a situation of extreme poverty. His father is deceased and his mother had to leave her community due to threats. His mother is unable to earn enough to care for Larry or provide him with the means to education. His birthday is September 23, 2015
Jefry Josue came to AHLE in February 2023. He lived with his paternal grandparents in extreme poverty after his mother abandoned him and his father left for Mexico. The grandparents due to their age and poverty had difficulty providing and caring for Jeffry and did not have the means to send him to school. His birthday is July 2, 2013
Angel David came from a situation of poverty made worst with the devastation of the community that was hit by Hurricane Eta and Iota. Homeless they have been living at the local church and at shelters. There are no schools or teachers left in the area. His birthday is January 19, 2013.
Jimmy Leonel came to AHLE in February 2022 from a situation of physical and psychological abuse from his father. His father often withheld food from him and often threw him out of the house. His mother would like to find a job so she can support herself and separate from this man under whom she suffers so much. His birthday is August 19, 2010.
Yohandy Joel came to AHLE January 2022 from a situation of extreme poverty, made worst with the devastation of the community that was affected by Hurricane Eta and Iota.
In addition to the struggle to meet the child's daily needs there also no longer were schools or teachers in his community, so no opportunity for an education. He is happy in his new home with all his new brothers. His birthday is November 1, 2011
Dixon Obed came to AHLE January 2022. His family suffered extreme poverty as a result of Hurricane Eta and Iota. The local area and school were destroyed. Dixon being an intelligent child, the parents sought help so that he could have the opportunity to go to school and have a better life for himself in the future. His birthday is January 7, 2014
Misael Rápalo
came to AHLE February 2022 from a situation of extreme physical and emotional vulnerability. Living in extreme poverty, the 8 siblings were abandoned by their mother and left in the care of their father. On Misael’s arrival the youngest siblings were being medically treated in another city for malnutrition His birthday is October 23, 2012
Emilson Edimar
is grateful to have been brought to AHLE so that he can continue to go to school. He came from a situation of poverty made worst with the devastation of the community that was hit by Hurricane Eta and Iota.
Emilson takes pride in helping to keep clean his new home and likes taking care of the sheep. He enjoys playing soccer with his new brothers.
His birthday is January 27, 2009
Rusbin is grateful to have been brought to AHLE. He came from a situation of extreme poverty, made worst with the devastation of the community that was affected by Hurricane Eta and Iota.
No longer having schools or teachers in his community, he is excited that he can continue his studies through the foundation. He is happy in his new home with all his new brothers. His birthday is
April 19, 2009
Anthony Josué came from a situation of extreme poverty and a single parent. Their lives became even more desperate when their home, the local area infrastructure and their school were destroyed by Hurricane Eta and Iota. Anthony’s mother works in the mountains to support her three children. There was one teacher who who
traveled a long distance to leave homework for Anthony every now and then.
Embraced by his new family of brothers, Anthony is adapting quickly to his new home.
His birthday is December 6, 2012.
Nilson Javier came to AHLE in 2021. Nilson and his two siblings were abandoned by their parents 10 years prior. They were initially rescued by neighbors till their grandmother was found and took them in. She along with the 3 children were abused by her partner and due to her advanced age and also taking care of her 105 year old mother it was was also financially difficult to provide them with schooling. The grandmother’s son-in -law saw the situation on a visit and rescued all of them. Nilson’s birthday is
November 20, 2006.
Cristopher Daniel came to AHLE June 2021 His father abandoned the family and his mother attempted to support her 4 children with their help by selling tamales she makes and bread, but it is not enough to be able to give them the opportunity of an education. Cristopher is currently in 8th grade and maintains a grade point of 85% in spite of all the deficiencies he had at home. He is a very helpful child and has adapted very well in the Foundation. His birthday is October 16, 2007
Josué Adolfo came to AHLE in January 2021. His mother abandoned the family when Josué was 6 years old. Over time, his father remarried and the stepmother earned the respect and affection of his stepchildren. Josué lives with his father, stepmother and 3 siblings, in conditions of extreme poverty. They did not have the financial means to send him to school. His father asked for support from the Foundation, because he wants a better future for his son. Josué has quickly adapted to life at AHLE, has quickly made friends with the other boys and is getting into the study routine. His birthday is
January 18, 2009
Jonathan Adonis came to AHLE in February 2020 from a situation of extreme poverty and physical and psychological abuse. Not accepted by his stepfather when living with his mother he was also rejected by his stepmother when he ran to his father for protection. His mother lived with her new partner and children in a one room wood and zinc shack with a dirt floor. His birthday is October 11, 2009
Owen Enai joined his brother Nilson at AHLE in February 2020. Abandoned by his mother he lived with his father a ginger farmer in the mountains. Living in poverty his father also takes care of his 97 year old parents, and does not have the means to provide education to his sons. Owen loves being with his father but is happy to be with his brother that he missed so much. His birthday is September 20, 2012
Estiven Ariel came to AHLE in February 2020. His parents were separated but his father supported Estiven in his studies and food till he became disabled in a car accident. His mother rents a room and supports them sowing corn, sometimes with Estiven's help but she does not earn enough to continue to send him to school. Estiven is a bright student and eager to continue his studies and for the opportunity to change his life for himself and his family. His birthday is Sept. 28, 2006
Jaason Isaac came to AHLE February 2020. His father tried to suppor the family of 7 working in agriculture but did not make enough money to be able to feed his family or send Jaason to school Jaason has a positive attitude and great determination to get ahead so he can help support his family in the future. His birthday is June 6, 2009
Joseph Isaac came to AHLE in February 2020. His father works as a trucker and is hardly home. His mother lived with another partner and they moved from place to place. Joseph would often have nothing to eat and roamed the streets. This placed him at high social risk for recruitment by street gangs. Joseph is very inquisitive and intellligent. His birthday is May 12, 2009
Junior David lived with his grandmother in extreme poverty until he came to AHLE IN May 2017. His grandmother asked for help as she could not afford to send him to school and he was wandering the streets. David was becoming friends with vagrant youth who were taking drugs and was at high social risk of being recruited into the gangs. His birthday is June 14, 2009
Jesus came to AHLE in 2019, his older brothers Jose German and Jose Julian have been at AHLE since 2016. The children were living in extreme poverty and the boys and their mother suffered physical abuse from their father a drug addict. Jesus is adapting well to life at AHLE and happy to be with his brothers. His birthday is January 9, 2012
Javier Anibal came to AHLE with his cousin Darwin in September 2016 from a situation of extreme poverty and neglect. Javier and his cousin Darwin would hang around supermarkets, restaurants and the park begging for food and money. They were at high social risk of being recruited into gangs, as the area is very dangerous, with a large number of drug dealers and criminal groups. He is adapting very well at AHLE. His birthday is January 11, 2009.
Juan Carlos lived in extreme poverty in an area controlled by drug trafficking gangs along with his mother, stepfather and 5 siblings. His stepfather rejected him and refused to care for him. Juan stopped going to school to do small jobs to earn money to help buy food for the family and became at high risk of being recruited into the gangs. He came to AHLE February 2016 and says he is happy here because he can go to school. His birthday is Sept. 4, 2008.
Jefrey Emanuel came to AHLE in July 2017 with his two brothers.He lived with his parents and his 2 older siblings in extreme poverty. His parents both tried their best to support them working long hours in a textile factory but it did not provide enough to support the family and send the boys to school. Jefrey has adjusted well, is a good natured and a happy child.His birthday is January 20, 2009
Cristofer Samuel and his brother Christian Jafeth were brought to AHLE in February 2016. Their mother cleaned a tortilla shack in exchange for food for the children and they slept where they could find shelter. Their father a drug addict sold the children but their grandfather took them away before the exchange took place. Cristofer’s birthday is June 22, 2007.
Cristian Jafeth and his brother Cristofer Samuel were brought to AHLE in February 2016. Their mother cleaned a tortilla shack in exchange for food for the children and they slept where they could find shelter. Their father a drug addict sold the children but their grandfather took them away before they were handed over. Christian’s birthday is October 13, 2009.
Nilson Abidail came to AHLE in Feb. 2018. Abandoned by his mother, he lived with his father who is a ginger farmer in the mountains. Living in poverty, his father also takes care of his 95 year old parents and does not have the means to provide education to his son. Nilson is eager to share his knowledge of plants, ginger and its healing properties. He loves being with his father but knows the best decision is to be at AHLE and prepare for a better future. His birthday is July 9, 2008